Thursday, July 21, 2011

Skin whitening

Specific zones of abnormally high pigmentation such as moles and birthmarks may be depigmented to match to the surrounding skin. Conversely, in cases of vitiligo, unaffected skin may be lightened to achieve a more
uniform appearance.However, in cases where these spot treatment creams are used in attempt to lighten
the entire complexion, all of the current methods are considered ineffective.

Complete skin depigmentation is simply a futile process. An additional application is genital or anal bleaching, intended to reduce the typically darker pigmentation of the genital and perianal area.

Long term use of skin whiteners can lead to pigmentation increasing to the joints of the fingers, toes,
buttocks and ears. The skin of the face can become thinned and the area around the eyes can have increased
pigmentation causing a 'bleach panda effect'.